Written by Christine

I learnt there are approximately 800 dance groups each with their own traditional costumes, similar styles but each with distinguishing characteristics. The traditional clothing, banners and home-wares are still in use today and it was an absolute delight to experience. I highly recommend it.
In July I had the privilege of visiting Latvia, one of the Baltic States, with my husband and his family to see the quinquennial (yes, I hadn’t heard that word before either!) Song and Dance festival and admire with new “weaver’s eyes” at the wonderment of weaving traditions of this small country.

Despite several visits over the years, I had never really appreciated the history and importance
of weaving tradition which still permeates the national psyche even to this day
I had been fortunate enough to attend a Song and Dance or Dziesmusvētki festival many years ago and still had not made the link with the age-old traditions of song and dance and the clothing worn in many different parts of the country.
I learnt there are approximately 800 dance groups each with their own traditional costumes, similar styles but each with distinguishing characteristics. The traditional clothing, banners and homewares are still in use today and it was an absolute delight to experience. I highly recommend it
