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Life in Lockdown


Written by Barbara in Sydney

Today I should have been at the Sydney Craft Show! Instead, I am in lockdown….for the third time!

My mother used to say she needed ‘a month of Sundays’ to catch up with things (craft projects?). I can assure you, one never completely catches up!

What does one do in lockdown? I seem to procrastinate! Food (definitely chocolate) seems of great importance. It’s not good. I have my annual check-up with the Cardiologist next week and he does not approve of my expanding waistline! As this is an allowable ‘escape’ I am actually looking forward to the outing! I dabble a little with Family History (my great grandmother was born in Hobartown!), check out the UFO’s and sort and resort wools. To my credit, some is to be donated to Wrapped with Love knitters! Then there are tutorials online. A friend is pushing me to try Sashiko embroidery….very relaxing she says. What is wrong with Spinning? I already have the ingredients! However, I did weaken and watched some tutorials.

The weather has been lousy - cold and wet. There is whole lot of gardening to be done WHEN the sun comes out.

I am fortunate in that I have a large bushland park minutes away and one is free to exercise! So, forever carrying my umbrella, I have been able to admire the beauty of the black swans and enjoy the sounds of nature….Kookaburras and the Whip bird. It is strange to see the play areas and picnic tables cordoned off as in School Hols it is normally a popular destination, but now taboo.

The good news is the Craft Show has been rescheduled for early September and that I have a flight booked (flexi, of course) to Tassie soon after. I am now fully vaccinated and don’t intend to bring any germs with me! As I have family members with chronic illnesses, I am very careful,… masks are part of my everyday life!

One appreciates other crafty friends. Their mindset is so positive. Speaking to Sue in the Yarn store made my day and now I look forward to the arrival of sock wool and am wondering what colour and how to dye it…..’Jelly’ dye, traditional or experimental?

Words of advice for lockdown: put a lock on the frig and don’t downsize! One needs plenty of room to store the stashes, UFO’s and spinning wheels!

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