A Happy New Year to you all.
I am writing in relation to Summer Day at Ross (Jan 22nd). In light of the situation with Covid, particularly Omricon, some groups have decided to either stop meeting for the time being and others have postponed starting for shorter periods. Others will continue as usual. All decisions are being made by our various groups with regard to particular circumstances and how things can be managed. We respect these decisions.
We will go ahead with Summer Day at Ross but people will need to adhere to certain guidelines in the best interests (including safety and protection) of those who may attend. Individual members will need to decide for themselves if they wish to attend or not. Can Coordinators please let the members of their groups know about this and the particular requirements. It is really important that these be noted.
Attendees will need to check in on arrival using either the Tas Covid Ap on their phones or by filling in the provided sheet (at the hall). We have booked the hall but can also use the outside spaces. We are asking that people wear masks in the hall but preferably outside as well, especially as members of the public may come up to talk to you. We must also adhere to social distancing requirements at all times. We ask that you bring your own folding chair with you, as well as lunch, mug, drinks, although you may still be able to purchase in the town if required. Bringing folding chairs will help with not moving chairs in and out of the building and with sanitation requirements. We will hope that those who opt to come will be double vaccinated. We will have hand sanitizer, wipes and disinfectant supplies, but would ask that you also consider bringing some of your own. You will be able to wipe down your own articles , but they may also be helpful if using the public conveniences. Use of these products plus particularly the wearing of masks are the things that will help to protect you. We may have more limited numbers but should still be able to have a good day and catch up with old friends. Don’t forget sun hats and sunscreen either.
Having group meetings cancelled or postponed is making it more difficult for people to renew their memberships as usual. The Eftpos machine will be available for people to do their memberships at Ross. People can also pay with cash or by cheque or money order. Anyone not coming may opt to ask someone they know who is coming to renew their membership for them. Otherwise membership forms can be posted to the Guild postal address at Battery Point (See Island Yarns).
It can be difficult when public facilities have been booked to postpone events such as Summer Day owing to availability on other dates, and also fitting in with other things that may be coming up. We have had to consider this.
As a bit of a post script our AGM is coming up early in March. I would encourage people from all parts of on the Guild Committee the state to consider standing for office.
We will continue to hope that more normal conditions will return before too long. In the meantime let us look after each other as best we can and try to continue with our crafts as these are the things that will help to keep us strong.
Kind regards to you all,
Diana Kearney
President HWSD Guild Tasmania. Inc.