What a great day we had at Ross this year.

Between 65 and 70 members (each time we counted we came up with a different number as people moved about chatting) came from around the state to enjoy the opportunity to meet up with friends, make new friends, renew memberships, and enjoy the sunshine and the bakery.
This year we had two new members sign up.
Our youngest member, Ida, spinning for only a few weeks, amazed others with the quality of her
work and the skills she has gained in a short time. Members of the public were impressed and fascinated by the act of spinning and appreciated members explaining the process to children and allowing them to take home examples of different fibres. I smiled when one mother explained to her children that in the “olden days, before big machines, everyone did this.” I find it hard to describe the feeling that you get when you sit with others to spin and chat. It’s a wonderful atmosphere where people are more than willing to share experiences and knowledge.

It was a great day, blessed with the weather, super chance to catch up with friends from all over the state, and make some new like minded friends.