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Guild AGM

Writer's picture: Bronwyn PlatzBronwyn Platz

Following a General Meeting which was held at Battery Point on Saturday the 13th of February, a intended motion for the AGM was passed. The intended motion read as follows: "That the Handweavers, Spinners & Dyers Guild of Tasmania, Incorporated, Constitution dated as amended 18th March 2004, be amended in accordance with those provisions set out in the document entitled “draft Constitution Review Iteration 8.2.”

This motion was passed unanimously at the Saturday meeting, and means we can now vote on whether or not to accept the proposed draft constitution at the AGM.

Please note that the location of the AGM has moved to Campbell Town. The AGM will be held on Saturday, the 27th of March (9:30 am for a 10 am start) at the Function Room at the Campbell Town War Memorial Oval (at the Northern end of Campbell Town). A General Meeting (State) will be held immediately following the AGM.

If you are a current financial member of the Guild you are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM. If you plan on attending please notify the Guild Secretary at

Keep an eye on your letter box as all members will be receiving a special edition of Island Yarns which sets out the current constitution and the (draft) proposed new one to allow you to compare.

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