The Handweavers, Spinners and Dyers Guild Tasmania Inc held their Annual General Meeting on Saturday 27th March 2021. Part of the Agenda was the election of the new Committee.
Your Committee members from left to right:
Seated: President Di Kearney, Equipment Officer Jane Powell, Secretary Michelle Fitzallen, Treasurer Petrina Meldrum.
Standing first row: Newsletter editor Eva Ruzicka, Membership Officer Lorraine Wagstaff, Public Officer Ken Wagstaff, Vice-President Jillian Brammer, Projects Officer Amanda Ellis, Yarn Store Officer Sue Hastie, Exhibition Officer Margot Wilson, Immediate Past President Margaret Miller, Website Administrator Karen Mathieson
Standing last row: Committee Member Dean Rivett and Committee Member Brian Smith
Well done to all the people who put their hand up to run our fabulous Guild, much appreciated.
Member # 1526