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Tour De Fleece comes to Launceston


Launceston branch had our medal ceremony and afternoon tea today to celebrate our Tour spinning.

We had about 12 spinners involved.

Prizes included and were won by:

· Most meterage spin – taken out by Avryl

· Biggest weight – won by Wendy

· Most number fibres-16 different ones spun by the Justine

· Most hours were won by Vanessa-76 hours

Those who achieved their challenge goals -

- Michelle- chain plying

- Cheryl- mastering her new espinner

- Sara, learnt to spin Crepe yarn

- Kaye mastered Alpaca blending and spinning

- Blanche succeeded in spinning and finishing an article

- Kathy- is more comfortable spinning on her new Tara wheel

- Vanessa actually won every category- she spun a mammoth amount over the three weeks.

We all brought along French food for afternoon tea including plenty of cheese,

chocolate eclairs, French tea cake, petit fours, macarons and pate.

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